May 30, 2023
Continuing our discussion about Star Trek: The Motion Picture Director's Edition, producer David C. Fein sheds more light on the complications that left TMP unfinished from 1979. In a letter from the period, one of the many contributors to the Enterprise graphics clarifies the work done for Gene Roddenberry.
See the...
May 23, 2023
Want to program your own Enterprise bridge monitor? For the home computer hobbyist in 1980, Softside magazine published a glimpse behind the scenes of Star Trek: The Motion Picture along with the code to create bridge monitor graphics! The Trek Files looks back at the groundbreaking design work of TMP with David C....
May 16, 2023
Like many of his generation, Gene Roddenberry served in the military. This week, The Trek Files examines a letter of promotion from the War Department which kicks off a discussion about military influence on Star Trek from ship design to organization to writing and themes with our special guest, Thomas Marrone.
See the...
May 9, 2023
A never-before seen story pitch for the abandoned Star Trek Phase II project! Decker is caught in a two-dimensional world while Kirk and Xon race to get him out. Special guest Ben Robinson returns to The Trek Files to help navigate the roads not taken for Star Trek in the late 1970s!
See the documents:
May 2, 2023
It starts with a simple suggestion from a writer: the Enterprise should have different armaments than what was seen in 1966. That kicks off a round of discussions that lead to the designer to bring the idea to life, keeping in mind all the requirements of production. This week, John Eaves returns to The Trek Files...